Friday, June 18, 2010

confused? keliru? doubt? arghhhh!

dunno which one i wanna start first. korang sure pnah rse bnd ni kan? rse keliru sgt2. same goes to me. byk bnd yg wat i jd cmni. antaranye:
1. smbung blaja ke keje?
2. klu smbung pon kos ape?
3. klu dpt keje jauh pon cmne?
4. klu mao smbung blaja pon mne je?
5. the important person in my life? who are they?
6. kenape dorang jauh dri i? wht am i doing wrong to u? tell me? i need to knw.

then dats the question which always playing around in my mind. still do not hve the answer ok. adoi. ssh la cmni. :(((

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

im losing my friends..!!

hmm. bnyi cam sdey kan. tp mmg pon. nape la org xnk kwan ngan i? wht am i doing wrong? ta wat slah pape pon ok. hmm. snang2 je dorang ni buang kwan kan kan? adoi. ape laa slah i. bia ahh. rmai lg mao kwan ngan i kan kan? i guess so. am i jerk? adoi. sshnye nk jwab. sume pon ngaku dye baik. tp xsmestinye kan?? hmm. i think so laa. arggghhh! stressnye wehhh.

Friday, June 4, 2010

gudbye KPMSI!!

yeay!!!! finally im finishing my diploma. huh! pnat gile wehh. until now cam ta caye i da abeskan sume nye. hmm glad to hear dat. but i hve to leave my sygs which are azira, saila and shasha. gonna mish them a lot!! even dorang kdg2 mmg irritating but lots of fun with them. ishh byk kot korang. mndi ujan laa. maen kjar2 tgh mlm. curi buah mngga makcik laa. adoi knangan sume tuh.
btw. thousands soryy guys sbb lme gile xupdate blog ni. mmg final sem bz gile vavi pnye. mmg hdap jelaa. mao abes kan. hhee. so skang ni currenty at home laa. goyang2 kaki. attend kenduri sedara mara. hehee. time ni laa mao attend wehh.
me? mkin gemok i guess. hehee. bese laa. kuat mkn da skang ni. xtau nape. adoi. tape laa. jnj i xnyusahkan sape2 kan?? whts more? hmmm. pape nnti i update ok. see ya! ;))