Friday, October 30, 2009

im hepy ok without loving u..

em seme org ckp dorang psangan yg sgt serasi. i ta kesah pon. amik ati pon x. lgpon i sntiasa anggp sape2 yg jd ex i seme 2 mmg da tade rzki. so im moving on jela kan. but i ta ska dye sebok2 hal i. kcu i. ltak chewing gum kt beg i. hey!!! igt i ni ape huh? cm bdk2 sngguh. i lnsung ta usik dorang. sgt kejam. ntah la. jeles kot tgk i hdup hepy jep. even no one beside me. i admit it. even time i saket trok skang ni pon nobody with me. sgt pathetic. tp nk wt cmne. i kne la sbar. Tuhan kan dgn org yg sbar. so hve to la k. i ni bkn la kuat sgt pon. ckp org je bole. tp ble tang dri sndiri mmg ta bole. ble la i mao grade??? klu da grade tamo da tgk mke mmat tuh. nympah sngguh. all this thing happen is history rite. so dat i hve to be strong enough k. yay!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

updating. takes time k sygs.

sory la. suda lme ta update. huhuu. insyaAllah i will update dis blog as much as i can ya. byk sgt keje la. asgmnt ta pyah ckp la. huhuu. phm la sket eh. hehee. so. whch part i want to start? em.. now suda ade housemate bru. syoknye!!. i dpt byk kwn bru. hehee. so korang tamo la smbong2. nt seme pon mao kwn ngan kite tau. but since now mmg ssh mao blk umah. pity to my mom. sorang jep. yela angah suda kptm epoh. so mmg dye tnggal sorang. slalu jgk i cll dye tye dye cmne. as korag seme kne tau my mom saket. semput yg agk trok la. she hve to always be aware. i hve to remind her evrytime. me as her eldest daughter kan. tnggungjwab tuh. hrgai our parents when they still alive. hehee. poyo jep ckp cm gini. but i slalu jgk wt dye mrah. hehee.

DISASTER reducing????

well. em cm title yg kt ats tuh mmg da krg sorang. she's not here with others but still in our heart k syg. mne klu hang out pon nme dye mst ktorang sbut. so sad!! tp nk wt cmne. life must go on kan. mybe she will sccess in other chllenge. hope ta ptus asa k. u are ver strong gurl. tamo cengeng. huhuu. sdey tau x.