Monday, June 29, 2009

starts with..

hye. im nabila. or my full name is nur adzharreen nabilla bte azhari. im daddy's daughter. hahaa. why am i say it so..? because it is true. im quite jealous when my dad love my sister more than me. a bit cruel huh..? hahaa. yes i am. i was born at pusat rawatan islam, kl. almost ten years im at kl and now im at sremban. my dad says dat he want all of us grow at sremban. hehee. sounds quite typical but i knw it is gud for us. i hve three siblings which are one sister and one brother. ktorang sgt rpat. but now we hve to separate. sbb blaja la. hehee. suspens je kan..? but all of us dpt stdy kt prak. hehee. so dpt la blk sme2. im the eldest one. em, mmg bnyi cm ssh but i will try my best to gve hppiness and sccessful to my parents. i knw dat my journey is long way to go. but i hve to be patient. Allah will help and hear my pray. hehee. im a stbborn and pndndam orgnye. yes i am. but i pndam sorang2 je. hehee. sape pon xkn tau. i sgt nkal mse skola. and sgt jhat jgk. pnah je wt mama n papa nangis. because of my behaviour. truk kan..? dlu mlas nk blaja. mlas nk wt ape pon. smp lwan ckp mama n papa. smp dorang da xtau nk wt pe. so trok. but i knw. trok cmne pon they stil love me. and i hve to prove it 2 them. jgn ckp ksong je. hehee.i try it now. sbb time ni la i akn try to do my best. and xnk kwin cpt2. hehee. gatal.