Wednesday, October 27, 2010


wow. klu dgr je ayat ni komfem korang terigt kisah2 korang dlu kan? igt best ke ade scandal ni? hahahaha. dari ape yg i nmpak lah kan hmm menyusahkan lagi ade lah. so klu korang rase comfortable ngan situation scandal tuh just go on aje okay. but i tau sume org ade opinion lain2. so depends korang lah eh. :)
jgn nak salahkan si scandal and org yg nak berscandal. must be something wrong with it. korang pk ah kenape boleh jd cmtuh. bile dah jd kat diri korang then korang rase cmne. so takmo lah pk bukan2 aje psl dorang ni okay. just be in positive thinking then pk lah sewajarnye ye. :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

duit, wang, money !!

wahhh ! mmg best klu kite ade bnd yg i sebut kat atas td kan ? well, mane ade bnd free skang ni wehh. act, i nk story kat korang bout my new life kat kl ni. sume pon pkai duit. ssh nye. then baru lah i tau cmne org ssh2 keje and habis duit cmtuh je.
tp kan, i ni jenis lantak lah. jnj i dpt ape yg i nk. tgh bulan mkn lah batu ke pasir ke. hehe. ntah lah. duit sume tuh mane lah ckup kan. mmg takkan ckup. lumrah lah manusia tak penah nk bersyukur ngan ape yg die ade. rase mcm dah ckup tp sbenarnye tak. ape punye manusia lah kan (i mean sume org lah. hehe)
well klu korang dgr psl kne taja ke ape ke nk slahkan sape sume ni jd pon ??? hmm tak boleh nk ckp sebelah pihak je pon. korang pk lah weh. klu nk slahkan sebelah pihak je mane dtg org2 nk taja tuh? so think wisely before korang judge sape2 even klu kite rase die jhat sekali pon bia Tuhan yg judge. kite ni ade kuasa ke nak ckp cmtuh? takde kan?? so jgn simply blame okay.
klu psl duit ni mmg lah boleh buat gaduh. suami isteri boleh bercerai, kawan boleh jd musuh, keluarga boleh berpecah and so on. sgt pathetic tp bnd tuh da jd kan. sume nye mmg boleh jd klu ade duit tp tak sume pon boleh sttle. around kite ni sume duit. nak lepas pon pkai duit, tak nak kne salah pon duit, nak lari mane pon duit, kencing berak pon duit. haish !!! sgt tension klu hidup ni duit je memanjang. sgt boring kdg2. but we have to accept the fact that money is very important. kat dunia ni mmg payah nak ckp. mcm2 dah kite tgk bnd yg da jd kan. so think bout it okay. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Buat lah hal sendiri wehh.

sshnye kalau ade org rajin nak amik tau hal kite ni. yelah hal korang pon tak nak jage, buat ape lah nak jage org laen punye hal. jgn ckp org lebih. nnti korang punye part lg teruk. i dah jumpe mcm2 jenis org. yg paling sedihnye byk yg Melayu tak reti jage mulut masing2. klu dah berjumpe komfem cite bukan2 yg keluar. nk ckp sesaje boleh je korang, but klu da obvious teruk ape tuh ?? tolong lah korang. mmg habit dah perangai cam gitu. even i sendiri pon kalau jumpe mmber2 lame story je ape yg ptt. but thats it lah. takde lah smp melarat2 and nak benci org tuh skali pulak kan. so korang pikir lah cmne eh.
mmg lah best cite psl org ni but takkan 24-7 pulak kan ?? hmmm. tak penat eh mulut korang ? so kalau dah habit korang cam gitu i tak boleh lah nk ckp ape. its just i nak bgtau tak payah lah. klu setakat borak kosong boleh lah ehh. and puls, jgn lah smp terbawak2 okay. :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dah lame tak update, macam2 nak story ni. :)

so sorry guys. lame gile tak update blog. quite busy here and pham jelah bru abes study and penat mencari kerja lah. so far now im currently at Malakoff company as Office Assistant aje. but before this jd front office assistant kat hotel. and it is syif time. agak penat but staff kat sane mmg best gile. siap buat birthday celebrate utk i. even birthday i lambat lagi time tuh. hehe.
so life bile dah keje ni sgt different okay. mmg lah korang tak payah pk psl assgnmnt dah but korang kne bijak manage cmne nk improve kerja korang tuh. kne pndai tackle boss. i mean bukan tackle gatal okay. hehe. so kat sini pon i belajar life org laen cmne. ade org lg tak best life die. sgt sedih and pathetic. but everybody mmg cmtuh kan. so tak boleh nk elak lah. hmmmm.
raya ??? boleh lah. cuti tak byk lah. so sume open house pon i takde. sedih bukan. hehe. tp takpe lah. i cari duit aje. bukan buat ape pon kan. so for those yg i tak boleh pegi so sorry eh. hehehe.
so thats all yg i boleh nk cite wat mase skang ni. pic2 raye ke while working ke akan di upload later okay. bye. :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

confused? keliru? doubt? arghhhh!

dunno which one i wanna start first. korang sure pnah rse bnd ni kan? rse keliru sgt2. same goes to me. byk bnd yg wat i jd cmni. antaranye:
1. smbung blaja ke keje?
2. klu smbung pon kos ape?
3. klu dpt keje jauh pon cmne?
4. klu mao smbung blaja pon mne je?
5. the important person in my life? who are they?
6. kenape dorang jauh dri i? wht am i doing wrong to u? tell me? i need to knw.

then dats the question which always playing around in my mind. still do not hve the answer ok. adoi. ssh la cmni. :(((

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

im losing my friends..!!

hmm. bnyi cam sdey kan. tp mmg pon. nape la org xnk kwan ngan i? wht am i doing wrong? ta wat slah pape pon ok. hmm. snang2 je dorang ni buang kwan kan kan? adoi. ape laa slah i. bia ahh. rmai lg mao kwan ngan i kan kan? i guess so. am i jerk? adoi. sshnye nk jwab. sume pon ngaku dye baik. tp xsmestinye kan?? hmm. i think so laa. arggghhh! stressnye wehhh.

Friday, June 4, 2010

gudbye KPMSI!!

yeay!!!! finally im finishing my diploma. huh! pnat gile wehh. until now cam ta caye i da abeskan sume nye. hmm glad to hear dat. but i hve to leave my sygs which are azira, saila and shasha. gonna mish them a lot!! even dorang kdg2 mmg irritating but lots of fun with them. ishh byk kot korang. mndi ujan laa. maen kjar2 tgh mlm. curi buah mngga makcik laa. adoi knangan sume tuh.
btw. thousands soryy guys sbb lme gile xupdate blog ni. mmg final sem bz gile vavi pnye. mmg hdap jelaa. mao abes kan. hhee. so skang ni currenty at home laa. goyang2 kaki. attend kenduri sedara mara. hehee. time ni laa mao attend wehh.
me? mkin gemok i guess. hehee. bese laa. kuat mkn da skang ni. xtau nape. adoi. tape laa. jnj i xnyusahkan sape2 kan?? whts more? hmmm. pape nnti i update ok. see ya! ;))

Friday, February 26, 2010

mcm2 mao story nih!!

sory babes!!! da lame i xupdate blog nih. i mish it so damn much. :(( but no worries k. i akn berusaha utk update dis blog as much as i can. which one will i wanna strt frst huh? dis semester i do hve a lot works. even dpt asgnmnt lmbat kan tp cm bz jgk la. huhuu. pity to my friends. kne jual brg kt org. sgt2 ssh but as a gud friend i spport pe dorang. hehee. hopeflly it works. huhuu. then ktorng gi english crnival. hehee. much fun at there. but still ta best. mybe sbb kt beranang kot. hehee. mmg la pnas + lpar sgt2. nsib baik la my mom ade kt sne. so dye ley tlong anta mkanan. kfc tuh. hehee.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I SGT MAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! i xtau la. whts happening to me. bodoh btul. kaki sakit. sume bnd pon rse cm xkene. stresss... lptop rosak!! argghh!!! nape bnd2 cmni jd kt i???? sgt bdoh ok.. nape i kne jd cmni? i xtau la. pe yg i wat slah ke???? perlu ke?? ngan ade jantan2 yg xtau malu. laki org yg gatal!! bf org yg mnggtal?? arghhh! korang ni jerk la. hina sgt i rse. pe igt bgus sgt ke?? bdoh. sial. babi. fuck. dumb asss. siot btul. damn!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

here u go GIRL!!

hye 2010!! gudbye 2009. so i da start my new sem with my new spirit. dis year i nk abeskan study i ni. insyaAllah kan. so kt kolej cam bese2 je seme. tade pe yg mnarik pon. klas ngan org2 yg sme. but dis time same klas ngan saila and kak azi!! hehee. finally kan. da abes sem bru la sme2. but put tade. sdey jgk la. emm. but itas ok. im still feel dat put stil with us. hehee. so koe=rang nye life dis early year cmne?? mine quite ok. study mkin ssh. as usual la. mkin tough la. nk wt cmne. mne ade blaja mkin snang plak kan?? hehee. and da best part is i da gemok sket!! hehee. pipi tuh tmbam la sket. hehee. ala. nt da start blaja and byk asgmnt i akn mkin kuwos as usual. hehee. so pointer i pon agk ok la. but hve to work very hard on it. jgn nk maen2 da pasni. huhuu.