Wednesday, September 2, 2009

evrything is 21..

emm. suda 21. bday i on 30th. hehee. ta sngke rmai plak yg wish kt i. yg slalu wish tp xwish pon ade jgk. juz sdey sket kek tade dis year. huhuu. kne bli sndiri la. huhuu. pape pon thnx 2 my mom and dad. hehee. kak ly pon blnje pizza. thnx 2 u sys. hehee. hope murah rzki. to those yg igt thnx byk2. ta tau mao ckp pe. put ngan kak azi bg candies yg bsar! saila plak bg presentation yg sgt sweet. trharu sgt kt korang. huhuu. mmg igt smp ble2. huhuu. i mmg ta sbar mao umo 21. hehee. bnyi cm poyo but dats da fact. i trget 21, 25 and 35. hehee. pe trget i..? nnt la k. next post i will tell u. em korang jgn la wt bnd bkn2 time umo cmni. i cm2 da rse. juz mao bgtau jgn la rsakkn dri korang. nnt nyesal. umo cmni skali je tao. poyo je ckp cmni. hehee. i bkn bdk baik. dats why la i ckp cm gini. hehee. btw i akn cpai pe yg i nk dlm hdup. i ska acting. nk sgt pgy casting. hope dpt la kan. hehee. mst u all ckp i ni prasan. hahaa. lntak la. dats my vision. ta mustahil dpt acting ngan fasha sandha. mnat tau x. even rmai ta ska ngan dye. i hve my own reason. hehee.

1 comment:

  1. happy belated bufday syg...
    i lupe....
    semoga allah melimpah kn rahmat nye keatas u..
    semoga rezeki u makin murah...
