Wednesday, July 1, 2009

men. mens.

waa. dis title may gve many expression to u guys rite. em niat i bkn na mmbrukkan dorang ni sume tau. juz na kongsi pndpat and mybe we can share our story. or mybe ur story is same as me. who's knw. nothing impossible in dis world nowadays. but act i blieve in our fate. klu kite ta cye so how can we could survive our lives rite..? mens in my life. em mmg rmai. bfore i meet my dearie..mohd ridhwan. many kind of mens i hve met so dat i may learn sumthing from them. do not ever say dat mens are stupid and useless. think of our dad, mybe our brothers, uncles, grandpa and so on. for the firsttime i realize of all dis matter, me also say dat creaps. kite ta bole ckp trus coz tkut kite mlatah. i mean ckp ta srupa bikin la. hehee. pnah je jd kt i. ckp beria then kite ta bwt pon pe yg kite ckp. damn sgt. hehee. cm bdoh. hehee. but now i knw. kite ni kdg2 trmkn ngan our own words. so beware k gurls. hehee. but sumtimes, i got the experience from my friends either. it teaches me a lot k. im sure u all pon sme kan..? yela klu mmber kite story bout their break up ke, gadoh ke. kite mst cm bdohnye jantan. sial la. kan kan..? ta pyah tipu k. huhuu. i pon sme jgk. tp lme2 kne pk blk. jgn mrah je. mybe dorang de mslah dorang. juz jgn jd fire stone da la (batu api). hehee. kite kne peka ngan keadaan skeliling. all this times i blaja dri my dearie. dye sgt pham n understanding. sme la 2 kan kan..? hehee. so pk kan la pe yg i ckp. so dat korang akn jaoh dr prasaan bnci with the mens. i x nafikan dorang ni mmg kdg2 nyakitkan ati. but we hve to face it. we do love them damn much. even korang tamo ngaku. hehee.

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